Create a profitable and sustainable Purpose-led Business.
Without buying another program, or implementing some new convoluted strategy.
For Action taking Spiritual Female Entrepreneurs who want to make money doing what comes naturally, without the complexity, even if it all feels impossible or hard, so you can joyfully get paid for your life’s work.
You want to create more income and impact without having to add another ‘thing’ to your plate
You know the basics of building and online business, but how to do it in a soul aligned way that fulfils your purpose AND makes money.
Doubts creep in and you ask yourself is it REALLY possible for me?
You want to impact, inspire AND create a sustainable income stream.
Create the visions you have for yourself.
Allow your soul to guide your offerings and strategies.
Let go of the fictional stories your human self tries to tell you about building a purpose-led business.
Monique taught me how to strike the balance between creative work and play so exquisitely.
Working with her I learned how to hustle like mad to get my work and writing done but also when to slow down and take stock.
She gave me tools to break my tasks up into manageable chunks so the to-do list wasn’t so daunting.
Hey there Sister, I’m Monique Alamedine, Zen Hustle Business & Productivity Coach.
I enable driven conscious Spiritual Female Entrepreneurs to create consistent cash flow, increase productivity and implement sacred strategies so that they can build profitable and sustainable purpose-led businesses.
For over 15 years I have built successful online businesses. As a certified Coach and spiritual explorer I have mastered the art of flow-led strategies which amplify results, without the grind, to help driven women build purpose-driven businesses, without complexity or burnout.
My Clients work with me to learn how to get more done, without feeling stretched, so that they can live their best life with ease, simplicity and flow whilst building and growing their purpose-led business.
It’s time to bring in all parts of you to create the aligned action taking prescription blend just for YOU!
Understanding what you're here to do.
Calling in the right people to do your thang.
How to get clarity on your mission
How to know what action to take to get your message to your peeps.
Creating your sales process
Your values determine your offerings
How to merge soul, strategy & sales.
Creating your own frameworks & signature systems.
The process of creating and delivering your soul offerings.
You're a conscious, action takingSpiritual Female Entrepreneur
You want to grow your business on solid foudations
You want to build a purpose-led business that's profitable AND sustainable
You want to grow your business using sacred strategies for conscious growth.
You want to monetize your life purpose.
I’ve found Monique’s Lunar Success System to be an easy yet powerful system that keeps me on track with my business goals. Monique talks about hustle and flow which makes a lot of sense to me in this fast- paced digital world where everyone seems to be talking constantly about taking action.
What I love most about Monique’s system is that it allows to you tap in to the natural energy of the moon to really leverage those peak hustle times and get things done but also to allow yourself the space to reflect, receive and celebrate what you’ve achieved in the month.
It’s a lot of fun creating different rituals at various stages of the lunar cycle and I’ve really enjoyed applying this system in my business and in my life
2022 Monique Alamedine. All Rights Reserved.